10 myter om rosévin

Nej, rosévin er ikke en blanding af rød- og hvidvin, og nej, rosévin kan sagtens drikkes som andet end en aperitif før maden. Rosévin skal drikkes iskold Rosévin skal drikkes kølig, ikke iskold. Temperaturen bør være mellem 7 og 10 grader. Brug en spand eller  vinkøler til at køle rosévin ned. En isspand fyldes trekvart op […]

Translation Ready: content into multiple languages.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque imperdiet eros ut neque venenatis, id ornare orci lacinia. Sed ultricies ullamcorper sapien, non consequat nibh pharetra porta. Aenean in velit vitae metus dignissim tempus et cursus nunc. Nam mollis tortor vitae quam accumsan maximus. Nam vel varius tortor, eget convallis magna. Fusce laoreet placerat dictum. […]

Change The Theme Background Image ?

Option to change the theme background image is available in our themes under the Customizer. In our theme you will get option to change the section background color and background image for each section. You will find more detail in our theme documentation. This is Bullet points Theme Background points

How to solve “Missing style sheet” problems when installing a WordPress theme?

1. This problem is usually happening when you are trying to install an unzipped folder(Extracted file), instead of the .zip file of your theme. You are trying to upload other than the ZIP Compressed version. Other compression formats are not supported while uploading a theme. When installing any theme in WordPress, the file should be […]

There a way to change the “Responsive Menus Font Size” in the themes ?

– There is the easiest way to change the font size. – Go to Customization >> General Setting >> Header >> Menu Setting.– There will be three tabs are given General , Style & Responsive Menus .– Click on Responsive Menu tab, there is the option “Menu Font Size”.– By using that option you can […]